Joblessness is a universal problem,not only in india but all over the world.Every jobless person after being graduated from reputed colleges and universities find it too difficult to stay idle in home and keep on applying for jobs in different sectors.
In the meanwhile,the family people of the dynamic person start insulting him,or even passing sarcastic statements,pricking that individual and making him realise that he is jobless.This helplessness of the individual makes him neither to live and neither to die.
The sarcasism,insult,mental injury sometimes even forces lot of dynamic individuals to end their lives and call it enough is enough.Such cases are also there...where for just few insults,comments,from the society and inhabitants of one's own house a person goes to extreme step of ending his life..
This statements are not hypothesis,but is based on drastic reality.Such formidable cases also happen in today's society.
That is the reason,Lord Sathyanarayana in the form of this trust has come forward to extend his helping hand for the welfare,upliftment,growth,progress of talented individuals who have finished their degree and graduation but still dont find a good and decent placement in their job.
Can a trust really help such people??
The big answer is "yes"....and readers..just see the magic and read know the ultimate truth behind the big claim of the trust.
It is a famous saying of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba,the great old saint of Shirdi,that if a person takes a step towards him,he will take 100 steps towards him.The same analogy and logic works with the trust also.If a person extends his support to the trust,then the person's responsibility is undertaken by the trust..
A step towards the trust,will make the trust to help in return.What is that wonderful scheme launched by the trust,which gives the trust its power to help the individuals in return..just read it...
JUST DONATE 2 LAKHS TO TRUST.After 180 days the trust will award unemployment allowance of 650000 rupees...which eventually works out to be 650000/12 months=54166 rupees per month.
Ultimately a person has to understand that a person goes to job only for earning money and not for wailing of time.Even though the big universities promise great jobs,but ultimately seeing the competitive world,these universities and colleges take extreme interest in filling the wallets of their colleges rather than really promising a job.A simple answer what they have from their side is that they have given the education and a degree which can be used as a legalised begging bowl for money.So which virtually means that instead of making the students self dependent,they are extracted money and left in lurch in due course of time..
Here where the trust is different from others.Any trust in india does not promise such type of offer where a person has to just donate 2 lakhs and has to wait for 6 months and he will start getting an allowance of 650000/12 MONTHS=54166 per month.for 12 months only.
If in case a person wants to draw again after 12 months,he has to renew that donation again by 2 lakhs and wait for 6 months and again he will start getting allowance for 6 months.
Such schemes even Govt does not assure and promise
People should understand that an simple donation of 2 lakhs will promise a livelihood of 6.5 lakhs per year.Till a person gets a job or even otherwise,a person can live with self esteem,self confidence and atleast with a belief that there is a trust to support him till he gets a decent job in the society.
Dear readers,just think over this point.Your one step towards the trust will ensure the possibility of winning always.
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